Author Archives: Web Ministry

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Pastoral Moment with Pastor Greg
Pastoral Update from Pastor Robbie

Pastoral Update // Pastor Robbie

We know that lockdown restrictions can be hard. From missing our friends and family to postponing events, it’s challenging to remain hopeful…

Teen Challenge Hope Missions Update

Hope Missions 2021 // Teen Challenge

Teen Challenge, a Christ-centered rehabilitation program, helps men and women aged 18+ overcome substance abuse addiction. Over 12 months, students…

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Easter 2021 Baptism Recap

He is risen! Yesterday’s Easter celebration was filled with worship, the gospel of Jesus Christ, and life-change stories. Watch the…

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Easter Teachings // Passover

Our last video in our teaching series for Easter asks the question “Why does it matter that Jesus died during…

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Easter Update // Outdoor Services

Guess what! While our Worship Centre may be restricted to 15% capacity, outdoor religious gatherings have no capacity as long as you…

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Easter Teachings // Sunday

This week, as we head into Easter, we asked the question “Why do Christians worship on Sunday?” Here’s a brief…

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