“Because I Said So” Series Resources
Throughout this series, we want to equip you with as many resources as we can so you are able to confidently share your knowledge on the power and authority of God’s Word. Videos, articles, and more will be added each week so keep checking back and sharing with your friends.
What is the Apocrypha? Why Aren’t These Books Found in the Protestant Bible?
Today the word Apocrypha is synonymous with the fourteen or fifteen books of doubtful authenticity and authority. These writings are not found in the Hebrew Old Testament, but they are contained in some manuscripts of the Septuagint, the Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament, which was completed around 250 b.c. in Alexandria, Egypt . . . READ MORE HERE
Manuscript Evidence for Superior New Testament Reliability
By: Matt Slick
The New Testament is constantly under attack, and its reliability and accuracy are often contested by critics. If the critics want to disregard the New Testament, then they must also disregard other ancient writings by Plato, Aristotle, and Homer . . . READ MORE HERE
What Does Sola Scriptura Mean
By: John MacArthur
The Reformation principle of sola Scriptura has to do with the sufficiency of Scripture as our supreme authority in all spiritual matters. Sola Scriptura simply means that all truth necessary for our salvation and spiritual life is taught either explicitly or implicitly in Scripture . . . READ MORE HERE
Let’s Be Honest: Reasons Why We Don’t Read Our Bibles
By: Erik Raymond
If we were to survey Christians at evangelical churches in America most people would agree that they need to read their Bibles. They understand that it is both required and good for them. But the sad truth is, many do not . . . READ MORE HERE
Five Things Every Christian Should Be Doing with God’s Word
By: Michael J Kruger
Psalm 119 is an amazing Psalm. Not only is it the longest Psalm (176 verses!), but it is also the Psalm that deals the most directly with the topic of Scripture. Virtually every verse, in one way or another, refers to God’s Word . . . READ MORE HERE
Why These 66 Books?
By: Nathan Busenitz
Have you ever looked at your Bible and wondered, “How do we know that these 66 books, and no others, comprise the inspired Word of God?”
That is a critically important question, since there are many today who would deny that these 66 books truly make up the complete canon of Scripture . . . READ MORE HERE
Introduction to Bible Difficulties and Bible Contradictions
By: Matt Slick
Bible difficulties, or apparent Bible contradictions, exist. The opponents of Christianity often use them in their attempts to discredit Christianity. Sometimes these attacks undermine the faith of Christians who either don’t understand the issues or don’t have the resources to deal with them . . . READ MORE HERE
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Reading Plans
- 90 Day Xtreme Bible Reading
- 6 Month Plan
- 52 Week Plan
- 3 Year Plan
- Chronological Plan
- Grant Horner’s System
- Robert Murray M’Cheyne’s System
Find more of Tim Challies “Visual Theology” here.
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Taking God at His Word
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7 Reasons Why You Can Trust the Bible
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Women of the Word
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Why Believe the Bible?
By: John MacArthur
Pulpit Curriculum
A Non-Negotiable Authority: Mandatory
A Transcultural Authority: Superiority
A Life-Changing Authority: Sufficiency