Hope Institute

Theological education in the church is vital for nurturing a deeper understanding of God's Word and fostering a passionate commitment to the Great Commission. The Hope Institute and its courses aim to glorify God by equipping Christians to engage thoughtfully with Scripture, deepening their biblical knowledge, and cultivating a love for God and neighbour. It is our prayer that, through the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit, these courses will edify the church by promoting personal spiritual growth and inspiring believers to fulfill the Great Commission with renewed zeal.


Foundational courses

Knowing Jesus

Are you a brand new believer in Jesus Christ and excited to learn more about how to live out your new found faith? Have you been a believer in Christ for some time, but realize you need to learn more about the Bible and what it teaches? Do you need some reassurance about your faith in God and want to dig deeper to know for sure that you know Him? Do you want a relationship with Jesus Christ but don’t quite know how to get there? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, this is the study for you. This eight-week course will be in an informal and relaxed setting covering topics that include: salvation, prayer, and victory over sin.

Duration: 8 weeks

Following Jesus

Following Jesus is a course designed for those who want to continue to study God’s Word regularly and learn how to practice the basics of Christian living. This eight-week study unpacks Hope Bible Church’s 5G Life discipleship model and outlines the corresponding responsibilities and privileges in living a life that pleases God. This course is for anyone seeking to grow in Christ, and each class involves active participation, memorization of Scripture, and a time for a discussion.

*Knowing Jesus is a prerequisite requirement before taking this class.

Duration: 8 weeks

Understanding Baptism

This one-session course will provide a biblical study on believer’s baptism and lend assistance in preparation for baptism at Hope Bible Church. This class is perfect for you if you are a follower of Jesus, regularly attend Hope as your home church, and want to be baptized publicly as a follower of Christ.

Duration: monthly basis

Understanding Church Membership

This one-session course will provide a biblical study as to local church membership. In addition to answering questions related to the nature and commitments of membership, students will also gain a greater understanding of the Lord’s purposes in local church ministry.

Prerequisites for this class:

  • Attended Step 1
  • Completed Step 2
  • Active in the 5G Life at Hope Oakville
    • Presently in a Group (within the last six months)
    • Serving (within the last six months)
  • Baptized as a Christ follower

Duration: bi-monthly basis


Level 100 courses

These courses are designed for Christians who desire to grow in their understanding of broad topics in theology and spiritual disciplines.

Spiritual Disciplines
Bible Intake

Course Description:

This four-week session course is designed to equip participants with the tools and motivation to deepen their spiritual disciplines, specifically focusing on Bible intake, Scripture memorization, and Bible devotion. Through a combination of instruction, discussion, and practical exercises, participants will gain a greater understanding of these disciplines, increase their confidence in applying them, and experience greater effectiveness in their Christian walk.


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Better understand the biblical and theological foundations of Bible intake, Scripture memorization, and Bible devotion.
  • Apply practical strategies for effective Bible reading, memorization, and devotional practices as valuable spiritual disciplines 
  • Identify and implement foundational life verses to begin memorizing
  • Leverage tools, methods, best practices, and resources for application and success

Prerequisites: None

Duration: 4 weeks


Course Description:

This course equips students with the biblical and practical tools necessary to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with confidence and clarity. Through a blend of biblical exposition, theological reflection, and practical application, students will learn how to build relationships, overcome objections, and present the Gospel in a compelling way.


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Articulate the biblical basis and mandate for Christian evangelism.
  • Identify key biblical principles and strategies for effective evangelism.
  • Develop a clear and concise presentation of the gospel message.
  • Understand the doctrines of sin, grace, salvation, and the Holy Spirit in relation to evangelism.
  • Encourage and equip others to participate in evangelism.

Prerequisites: None

Duration: 5 weeks

Transforming Prayer

Course Description:

It's disheartening to see prayer reduced to a mere checklist of requests. When we approach prayer as a transactional exchange, we miss the richness of a personal relationship with God. True prayer, however, is so much more. It's a profound communion with the Lord, a time when we encounter Him in a personal way through Jesus Christ. This course is designed to encourage Christians in developing their prayer life as a Scripture-fed, Spirit-led, and worship-based activity.


By the end of the course participants will be able to:

  • Overcome common barriers to praying effectively
  • Awaken their prayer life with simple, biblical patterns of prayer
  • Enjoy Spirit-led prayer sparked by Scripture passages

Prerequisites: None

Duration: 5 weeks

Financial Stewardship 1

Course Description:

With topics including debt, generosity, work, saving, investing, and even eternity, this six-week course teaches individuals God’s perspective of managing money and possessions. It will provide the practical applications of handling finances, getting to the heart of the matter. If you are a young adult starting off, someone who finds yourself in a financial difficulty, or just a person learning to grow in wisdom with finances, this class is perfect for you.


By the end of the course, participants will go through an overview of the topics on finances:

  • Week 1: Introduction – God’s Part and Our Part
  • Week 2: Debt and Counsel
  • Week 3: Giving and Honesty
  • Week 4: Saving and Investing
  • Week 5: Work and Children
  • Week 6: Perspective, Crisis and Eternity

Prerequisites: None

Duration: 6 weeks

Financial Stewardship 2

Course Description:

The objective of this level 2 course would be to provide attendees with an additional and deeper look at the key topics discussed in level 1. In addition, this class will cover topics from a Canadian perspective, and review God’s view of money as presented in the first course.


By the end of the course, participants will go through an overview of the topics on finances:

  • Week 1:  Introduction and Goal Setting
  • Week 2:  Stages of Life and Registered Plans
  • Week 3:  Investing Principles and Strategies
  • Week 4:  Approaches to Tax Planning
  • Week 5:  Debt and Generosity
  • Week 6:  Estate and Legacy Planning

Prerequisites: None

Duration: 6 weeks

Introduction to the Bible

Course Description:

We know that the Bible is the greatest-selling book of all time. In addition to this, the Bible has served as the cornerstone of Western civilization, and its precepts have had long-lasting effects for hundreds of generations. In this course, we will study what the Bible is. We will aim to address basic questions about the origin and history of the Bible, the divine qualities of the Bible, the content of the Bible, and the purpose of the Bible.


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Comprehend the general contents of the Bible
  • Grasp the historical origin and development of the Bible
  • Defend the Christian understanding of the Bible as God’s Word
  • Articulate the unified storyline and major themes of the Bible
  • Read the Bible and apply its contents for personal spiritual growth

Prerequisites: None

Duration: 8 weeks

Introduction to Theology

Course Description:

Systematic theology is at the center of the church’s knowledge of God and His redemptive work in Christ. As such, it is of crucial importance that believers take theology seriously. This course is custom-designed as an introduction to the foundational topics of the Christian faith. Students will be exposed to theological teachings, such as the nature of God and His word, the concept of sin, faith, and salvation, the necessity of the atonement, the function of the church, and the varying views on the end times. This course is foundational and serves as a prerequisite for many 200 and 300-level courses.


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Articulate and provide a biblical defence of key theological topics of the Christian faith
  • Understand the existential intersection between worship and truth
  • Apply key concepts to a life of personal devotion and discipleship
  • Correct misconceptions and misunderstandings related to theological topics

Prerequisites: None

Duration: 9 weeks


Course Description:

The Greek word apologia denotes the activity of offering a defence against an accusation. Peter uses the term in 1 Peter 3:15 more broadly to convey the concept of defending biblical truths against false accusations. This course will introduce students to several arguments aimed at creating a robust set of biblically and philosophically-based defences of important truths of the Christian faith. Students will be exposed to arguments for the existence of God, the plausibility of the resurrection, the reliability of Scripture, the nature and necessity of faith, and the reality of evil.


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand and articulate common arguments in defence of the Christian faith
  • Distinguish between Classical, Evidentialist, and Presuppositionalist approaches to apologetics
  • Provide counter-arguments for arguments made against the Christian faith
  • Apply apologetics methodology to personal Bible reading, discipleship, and evangelism

Prerequisites: None

Duration: 9 weeks

New Testament Introduction

Course Description:

The Gospel flourished in the soil of a real world, characterized by its intersection between the Roman Empire, Greek culture, and Hebrew theology. Students taking this course will be introduced to the historical elements of the New Testament to better comprehend the undercurrents framing the realities of the New Testament. In addition, students will be exposed to the structure, content, theology, and Old Testament background of the New Testament and its individual books.


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the history of the notable factors leading up to and influencing the New Testament
  • Explain the meaning, significance, and reception of the canon of the New Testament
  • Provide cogent responses as to why some books were not included in the New Testament canon
  • Apply key tenants of the course to one’s spiritual discipline of Bible intake

Prerequisites: None

Duration: 9 weeks

Old Testament Introduction

Course Description:

This course provides a comprehensive overview of the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible), exploring its historical, literary, and theological significance. Students will gain a foundational understanding of the major genres, themes, and characters within the Old Testament, as well as its place within the broader context of ancient Near Eastern literature and culture.


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Discern the various literary genres present in the Old Testament (e.g., narrative, poetry, prophecy, wisdom literature) and apply appropriate interpretive methods to each.
  • Identify the major divisions and books of the Old Testament, understanding their chronological and literary relationships.
  • Understand the central theological themes of the Old Testament, such as covenant, law, prophecy, and salvation history.
  • Articulate how the gospel message is present in the Old Testament.

Prerequisites: None

Duration: 9 weeks

The Gospel in the Old Testament

Course Description:

This course delves into the rich tapestry of the Old Testament, uncovering the hidden threads and treasures of the Gospel message that foreshadow the coming of Jesus Christ. Through a systematic study of key Old Testament texts and themes, participants will explore the big picture of the Bible’s storyline, promises and prophecies, typology, and covenant relationships that point to the ultimate fulfillment in Christ.


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand how the gospel fits within the framework of the Bible’s unfolding story by tracing the development of the Messianic hope in the Old Testament
  • Identify the key promises in the Old Testament and their fulfillment in the New Testament
  • Explain the significance of foreshadowing themes and typologies in the Scriptures

Prerequisites: None

Duration: 6 weeks

Global Missions and the Church

Course Description:

This course explores the biblical foundations of Christian missions. The chief aim of this course is to enable participants to think about the impact of and need for the gospel globally and to encourage discernment in possible participation in missions. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the Great Commission, the role of the Holy Spirit in missions, and the various strategies and challenges involved in cross-cultural ministry.


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Comprehend the biblical and theological foundations for missions within the context of the redemptive plan in Scripture
  • Understand God’s intention in and desire to save people from all nation
  • Grasp the importance and uniqueness of cross-cultural church planting
  • Apply contents of the course to further grow as a global Christian

Prerequisites: None

Duration: 9 weeks


Level 200 courses

These courses are geared towards those wanting to learn more about a specific topic. The expectation for participation is greater than core courses, and, as such, participants will be required to read extra material and take quizzes. Most level 200 courses require participants to have successfully completed one or more Core courses.


Course Description:

The New Testament presents Jesus as both God and man. Such revelation of the Son of God has been the subject of endless discussions for two millennia. This course will seek to unpack major aspects related to Jesus’ divine and human nature. Topics such as the virgin birth, the scope and limits of Jesus’ knowledge, the theological connection between Jesus and sin, and the like will be presented with a careful eye toward the Scriptures.


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the major debates related to Jesus’s divine and human natures and 
  • Give a biblical explanation of Jesus’ relationship with the Father and the Spirit
  • Respond to non-biblical teachings about the person of the Son of God
  • Provide biblical answers to general questions concerning Jesus’ nature
  • Apply course content to personal Scripture meditation, evangelism, and discipleship

Prerequisites:  Introduction to Theology

Duration: 9 weeks

Principles of Biblical Interpretation

Course Description:

Biblical interpretation – otherwise known as hermeneutics – is a science. This is precisely because there are certain laws and methods that, if overlooked or ignored, lead to misunderstanding and misinterpretation. This course is designed to equip students with the correct tools to optimize their interpretation of the Bible. Students will become familiar with the concepts that make for sound biblical interpretation, such as authorial intent, divine agency, the grammatical-historical method, linguistics and the nature of language, and other important tenets of interpretation.


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Distinguish between good and bad practices of interpretation
  • Spot and respond to at least 3 interpretative theories that contradict a sound interpretive methodology
  • Understand and explain the main tools and methods behind a sound biblical interpretive theory
  • Apply hermeneutical principles to personal bible reading, teaching, discipleship, and evangelism

Prerequisites:  Introduction to Theology or Introduction to the Bible

Duration: 9 weeks


Course Description:

The doctrine of salvation, otherwise known as soteriology, concerns itself with providing a biblical basis for the theological concept of salvation. In this course, participants will be exposed to the Bible’s presentation of sin, God, humanity, the atonement, and how all these come together to form a coherent picture of the Trinitarian undertaking of redeeming sinners. Students will learn about election, calling, justification, repentance, adoption, sanctification, and glorification


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Distinguish between good and bad practices of interpretation
  • Spot and respond to at least 3 interpretative theories that contradict a sound interpretive methodology
  • Understand and explain the main tools and methods behind a sound biblical interpretive theory
  • Apply hermeneutical principles to personal bible reading, teaching, discipleship, and evangelism

Prerequisites:  Introduction to Theology or Introduction to the Bible

Duration: 9 weeks

Forthcoming Courses
  • History 1: The Old Testament World (3,000 BC - 1 BC)
  • History 2: The New Testament World and Early Church (1 AD - 1,500 AD)
  • History 3: The Church in the Modern World (1,500 AD - today)
  • The Trinity
  • The Doctrine of God
  • The Doctrine of Scripture
  • The Gospels
  • Paul and His Letters
  • Eschatology
  • Theological Anthropology

Level 300 courses

These courses all require Core or Level 200 prerequisites and are designed for Christians desiring to focus in-depth on a theological topic. Level 300 courses require that participants read more extensively, take quizzes, and write a short position paper.

Jesus in the Old Testament


Law and Gospel


The Pentateuch


Wisdom Literature


Invitation to the Psalms


John’s Theology










The Person of Christ


The Work of Christ


Paul’s Prison Letters



Level 400 courses

These are practical courses and require students to have a good grasp of doctrine and biblical interpretation principles. Students will be required to have successfully completed at least four Level 200 and 300 courses. Level 400 courses are by invitation only.



Teaching the Bible


Discipleship Ministry


Christian Leadership



Is God calling you to vocational ministry?

For those discerning a call to ministry, experience the guidance, practical understanding, and mentorship of a Hope Oakville Internship.

This program provides direction and hands-on opportunities for believers exploring what ministry at Hope looks like behind the scenes. Participants will engage in different types of ministry by incorporating elements of the 5G Life.

Learn if church ministry is right for you!

What is the duration of the Internship?

Our internship program runs from September – June.

What is the expectation as an intern?

The program requires a minimum of 10 hours each week (which includes every Sunday) with additional reading, preparation while working closely with a mentor. Specific times of weekly classes and ministry participation to be determined.

What qualifications are needed for this role?
  • Completed secondary education
  • Healthy family life grounded in godly principles
  • A mature follower of Jesus Christ with authentic lifestyle demonstrating consistent character and spiritual growth
  • Agreement with Hope Oakville’s doctrinal statement and church governance
  • A commitment to the mission, vision, and leadership of Hope Oakville
  • Willing to commit to a full year of ministry