Hope kids

Showing God's love to your kids

You're the primary spiritual leaders in your children's lives. It's the mission of Hope Kids to come alongside parents by providing age-appropriate teaching and resources to assist in discipling kids to know and love Jesus.

Classes from four weeks old to Grade 5.
Registration required
Register at the Hope Kids desk 30 minutes before service.
Nursery is not available during 12:30PM service.
Hope Kids Accessibility

Every child should be able to access the message of Jesus

Our accessibility ministry serves and supports families in our church affected by disability by ensuring that all children in our kids' program can easily access the message of Jesus.

To register your child for the one-on-one buddy program during our 10:30AM service, click the button below.

Once you've completed your form, please wait for our Accessibility Coordinator to contact you to arrange a one-on-one buddy for your child before you arrive.

Child Dedications

Because it takes a village!

Are you a member at Hope interested in Child Dedication? Read our child dedication position paper here. To sign up, email us at Kids@HopeOakville.ca.

Getting to the right classroom

For us to minister to your children, they first need to be able to get to a classroom!

New to Hope Kids?

Please come to our Hope Kids Welcome Desk located in the church foyer and our team will be happy to help you check-in your children and answer your questions.

Who can attend Hope Kids?

Children from 4 weeks old to Grade 5 are welcome. Each school grade attends its own classroom.

What time does Hope Kids start?

Our teaching begins at the start of each service - 8:30AM, 10:30AM and 12:30PM. Therefore, we strongly recommend parents arrive 30 to 20 minutes prior to the start of the service so that their child is in the classroom on time and does not miss any of the worship or teaching.

Is every classroom available at every service?

All our classrooms, from Nursery to Grade 5, are available during the 8:30AM and 10:30AM services. During the 12:30PM service, our nursery is closed.

Our desire is to never turn a child away. However, please note that each Hope Kids classroom has a child-to-worker ratio capacity. When a classroom is full, our Self Check-in station will inform you and will not print a name tag. Remember to come early to get your child checked in.


More than Sunday!

We want to see your family at our upcoming events.

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