Unless The Lord Builds My Marriage - Part 1 (Wives)
Unless The Lord Builds The House
January 26, 2025
Pastor Robbie Symons
Ephesians 5:21-24, 33
Next up in our series is marriage. Pastor Robbie begins with PART 1 to wives and will continue next week with PART 2 to husbands. We must understand the biblical foundation of marriage roles, especially when discussing topics like ‘submission.’ What does it mean? Where do we see it in the Word? What does the faithful Christian wife look like? What does she value? We look to Ephesians to answer these questions. We also must clarify what biblical submission is not. The bottom line is when God’s timeless will and design for man and wife is faithfully followed, blessings flow from that marriage! It’s time to let the Lord build our marriages.